Keep Safe Living In Apartment Single Woman

Enjoy your time living alone, but be alert and aware of what is going on around you at all times. 5 More tips for living alone safely: Be smart on social media. What are some safety tips for a person living alone? Update Cancel. Tips for Staying Safe When Living Alone Page on Living Alone. 5.4k Views View 27 Upvoters. Dogs have a reputation as 'man's best friend' but they also make the perfect companion for a woman living on her own. Dogs typically have remarkable intuition when.

Having an apartment all to yourself is the best. There are no roommates to contend with, no one telling you what to do, and pants are completely and utterly optional. But if you, this fun experience can quickly turn into one that keeps you up at night. This is exactly what happened to me when I lived alone. I remember being all gung-ho for. But any sense of joy went out the window during those first nights by myself.

I winced at every noise in the building, and suddenly remembered in vivid detail every horror movie I'd ever seen. It was awful, and started me thinking about all the bad things that could happen.

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I admit the horror movie memories were probably a bit much, but unfortunately I wasn't far off in thinking my single self was at a greater risk. 'Anyone can be a victim of an accident, violent crime, or property crime but a one-person household is an easier target to criminals and has little in terms of a support system for those household accidents,' says, from, in an email to Bustle. Of course, being afraid and expecting the worst isn't the way to go. But realizing the risks, and taking precautions, is definitely a good idea. Read on for some ways to feel more secure when living alone, so you don't have to lie awake at night. Give Your Apartment A Safety Check.

Keep safe living in apartment single woman sAfrica

OK, so your windows are secure, and you're being smart about creepy noises and locking the door. But unfortunately, you still feel unsafe. If that's the case, it may be time to take your security to the next level.

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'If you are a person who wants a little extra security, a security system, or different home automation products that will alert you when something bad is happening to or in your home,' Brown says. It may be just the peace of mind you need to actually (finally) enjoy living alone. Images: Pexels (14); Pixabay (2).

How to Keep Your Apartment Safe Whether you just moved into a new rental or you've been at your current home for some time, should be something to keep top of mind. Just because your apartment seems safe doesn't necessarily mean it is. There could be a number of issues that can potentially cause problems and put you in harm's way. Luckily, some of the biggest problems renters face have easy fixes. Take a few minutes to check over this list of safety tips to help secure and avoid danger. Befriend a trusty neighbor. • Get to know your neighbors.