The Single Woman Net

Both state and local sales taxes are deductible when you itemize, as well as any taxes you pay your state for your vehicle. You can also deduct what you paid in state income tax. However, you have to make a choice. If you deduct the sales taxes you paid during the year, you can't deduct your income tax. 1 What is the value of the exemptions a single woman with two cats can take on her tax return? $4,000 What is the value of the exemptions a married couple with three children, two dogs and a cat take on their married filing joint tax return? $20,000 For a single person (no children), the number on line 6d would be: 1 Which statement is true: The standard deduction amount is determined by filing status. However, single filers can take all the same deductions that married filers can. Single filers also benefit from extra tax perks, like the head of household filing status. Check the Internal Revenue Service guide on credits and deductions to find out which tax breaks you're eligible for. Can a single woman apply for section 8.


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